Together We Can Make Dreams Come True!

As I reflect on this year and the many blessings in my life, I am so grateful to have a platform that enables me to engage with like-minded individuals who spread optimism and good will to others!
I hope that you are taking the time to enjoy the end of the year in a loving environment, making joyful memories with family and friends!
As I begin to close the year, I thought it prudent to share a recent experience that inspired me. I was invited to the United Nations to attend a meeting of the African Renaissance and Diaspora Network. I am a spokesperson for their HIV/AIDS campaign launch in St. Louis, Missouri, in partnership with Webster University.
During the meeting we discussed how to strategically support and further the sustainable development processes of the United Nations as they relate to Africa and the African Diaspora. A motivating moment for me during the meeting were remarks by the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed. She spoke about the importance of partnerships and being of service to one another to protect hope for all global citizens. She reminded us that being silent does not solve issues and encouraged us to use our voice to advocate for those who cannot. She spoke to the power of collaboration and encouraged us to galvanize to create a movement. Ms.Mohammed ended by providing this quote by Nelson Mandela.
"It always seems impossible, until it is done!"
This experience provided a good reminder that no one can accomplish great things alone and that our collective voices are powerful. As you begin to plan for the New Year, I encourage you to document your goals and speak your dreams out into the universe by sharing them with your network. I guarantee people will respond with opportunity and blessings beyond what you imagined. Here's my advice to you.
Be unapologetically bold, think big, ensure your faith is mightier than your fear and put in the work with fortitude to make it happen!
I'll start by sharing one of my goals for 2018. My book Protected by Purpose will be released in 1Q 2018...YIPPEE! I would like to secure as many speaking and book signing opportunities as I can to promote the book. Your referrals and recommendations are welcomed and appreciated!
I am a firm believer that when you bless others you will become abundantly blessed. When we come together, share together, and work together, we will surely succeed together! I look forward to hearing about your goals and initiatives in the New Year!
With peace and love,